Launch of the Performing Places website

Click here to view the launch of this website (opens in a new window).


Practitioners who attended the Performing Places symposium found this website very useful and some have directed practitioner colleagues and students to this website. The Performing Places website, and its speakers, have been quoted in blogs towards A New Direction’s work on Place (Judge 2014), and ongoing PhD Research for the Understanding Everyday Participation - Articulating Cultural Values (UEP) project’ (Webber 2014a, Webber 2014b).

Speakers at Performing Places have also:

  1. recommended the Performing Places website to postgraduate students, urban performance artists and early career researchers interested in architecture, urban planning and literature about 'the city'.
  2. used exercises from Performing Places website in work with recovering substance abusers, to open up reflection, aid situational awareness in recovery and encourage mindfulness.
  3. cited Performing Places website practices in peer-reviewed articles for Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance (20th Anniversary issue in 2015 and a forthcoming article in April 2016).