Browse by Central Author
Farrier, Stephen and Edward, Mark (2021) Drag Histories, Herstories and Hairstories: Drag in a Changing Scene Volume 2. Metheun Drama, London. ISBN 9781350104389
Farrier, Stephen and Edward, Mark, eds. (2021) Drag Histories, Herstories and Hairstories. Drag in a Changing Scene Volume 2. Methuen Drama Engage, 2 . Bloomsbury Methuen, London. ISBN 9781350104365
Dodi, Simon (2021) Camp Can Be Such a Drag: Approaches to Understanding Camp and Drag. In: Drag Histories, Herstories and Hairstories: Drag in a Changing Scene Volume 2. Methuen Drama.
Farrier, Stephen and Edward, Mark (2020) Contemporary Drag Practices and Performers: Drag in a Changing Scene Volume 1. Metheun Drama, London. ISBN 97813550082946
Parslow, Joe (2020) Dragging the Mainstream: RuPaul's Drag Race and Moving Drag Practices Between the USA and the UK'. In: Contemporary Drag Practices and Performers Drag in a Changing Scene Volume 1. Methuen Drama Engage, 1 . Bloomsbury Publishing, London, pp. 19-31. ISBN 9781350082946
Farrier, Stephen (2020) Not a Cock in a Frock, But a Hole Story. Drag and the Mark of the 'Bioqueens'. In: Contemporary Drag Practices and Performers, Drag in a Changing Scene Vol. 1. Methuen Drama Engage, 1 . Bloomsbury, London, pp. 102-115. ISBN 97813550082946
Farrier, Stephen (2018) Theater, Queer - An Entry In: Global Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) History, 1st Edition. Charles Scribner's Sons, part of Macmillan Reference USA,, USA.
Farrier, Stephen (2018) Re-membering AIDS, Dis-membering Form. In: Viral Dramaturgies, HIV and AIDS in Performance in the Twenty-first Century. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham (Switzerland), pp. 155-172. ISBN 9783319703169
Farrier, Stephen (2017) International Influences and Drag: Just a Case of Tucking or Binding? Theatre, Dance and Performance Training, 8 (2). pp. 171-187. ISSN 1944-3927
Farrier, Stephen (2017) Sticky Stories: Joe Orton, Queer History, Queer Dramaturgy. Studies in Theatre and Performance, 37 (2). pp. 184-204. ISSN 1468-2761
Farrier, Stephen and Campbell, Alyson (2016) Queer Dramaturgies: International Perspectives on Where Performance Leads Queer. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781137411839
Farrier, Stephen (2015) Playing With Time: Gay Intergenerational Performance Work and the Productive Possibilities of Queer Temporalities. Journal of Homosexuality, 62 (10). pp. 1398-1418. ISSN 0091-8369
Farrier, Stephen and Campbell, Alyson (2015) Queer Practice as Research: A Fabulously Messy Business. Theatre Research International, 40 (1). pp. 83-87. ISSN 0307-8833
Farrier, Stephen (2015) That Lip-Syncing Feeling: Drag Performance as Digging in the Past. In: Queer Dramaturgies: International Perspectives on Where Performance Leads Queer. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 192-209. ISBN 9781137411839
Farrier, Stephen and McNamara, Catherine (2013) The Gender and Sexuality Issue. Research in Drama Education, 18 (2). pp. 111-119. ISSN 1356-9783
Farrier, Stephen (2013) It's About Time: Queer Utopias and Theatre Performance. In: A Critical Inquiry Into Queer Utopia. Critical Studies in Gender, Sexuality, and Culture . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 47-68. ISBN 9781137308597
Farrier, Stephen, Limits, Dusty and Hoyle, David (2010) Queer Performance. In: Queer Performance, 2nd June 2010, The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. (Unpublished)
Busby, Selina and Farrier, Stephen (2007) The Fluidity of Bodies, Gender, Identity and Structure in the Plays of Sarah Kane. In: Alternatives Within Mainstream II: Queer Theatres in Post-War Britain. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, pp. 142-159. ISBN 9781847183064