Abraham, Nicola (2016) Marginalised Youth in the App Generation: Making the Case for the Integration of Digital Technologies in Process Drama. TVORIVA DRAMATIKA - Casopis O Dramaticke Vychove, Literature a Divadle Pro Deti a Mladez, 27 (3). pp. 5-12. ISSN 1211-8001
This paper intends to argue that the introduction of digital technology into Process Drama is not an attempt to replace the imaginative realm of play. Instead digital technologies can aid immersion into the liminal space of a workshop. The App Generation, Generation Z, or the ‘post-millenials’ form a new community of young people who are digitally literate, who have grown up surrounded by technology that they have learnt to engage with as part of their development: Technology is a new instrument of play. The intention of this research is to present an argument for the effectual integration of technology into Process Drama to revive and update the approach. The intention is to engage participants in an experience that speaks to their own worlds. I will draw upon a project I undertook in a primary school with six 8-9yrs old children to further justify the needs for digital technologies in Process Drama and reflect upon the possibilities offered by this approach.
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