Items where RCSSD Subject Area is "Practice Research"

Group by: Creators | Item Type
Number of items at this level: 102.


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Delgado, Maria, Kobialka, Michal and Lease, Bryce, eds. (2024) Staging difficult pasts: transnational memory, theatres and museums. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781032326030

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Abraham, Nicola (2020) Wonder VR: creating bespoke VR360 with NHS patients to improve patient wellbeing in acute hospital settings (REF 2021 Practice Research Submission). The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London, London. ISBN 978-1-8383967-0-1

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Alexander, Catherine (2020) I'll Take You to Mrs Cole (REF 2021 Practice Research Submission). The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London. ISBN 978-1-8383967-1-8

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Baker, Sylvan (2020) The Verbatim Formula (REF 2021 Practice Research Submission). The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London. ISBN 978-1-8383967-2-5

Bryon, Experience (2014) Integrative Performance: Practice and Theory for the Interdisciplinary Performer. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780415694483

Bryon, Experience (2018) Performing Interdisciplinarity: Working Across Disciplinary Boundaries Through an Active Aesthetic. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781138678859

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Buratta, Ben (2020) And The Rest of Me Floats: Capturing Queer Potentiality through a Dance-floor Dramaturgy (REF 2021 Practice Research Submission). The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London. ISBN 978-1-8383967-3-2

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Chow, Broderick D.V. (2020) The Dynamic Tensions Physical Culture Show: A Counter-Genealogy of Built Masculinities (REF 2021 Practice Research Submission). The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London. ISBN 978-1-8383967-4-9

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Damian Martin, Diana (2020) Collaborative Critique: Expanded practices of contemporary performance criticism (REF 2021 Practice Research Submission). The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London. ISBN 978-1-8383967-5-6

Delgado, Maria M. (2017) "Otro" Teatro Español: Supresión e Inscripción en la Escena Española de Los Siglos XX y XXI. Iberoamericana Vervuert, Madrid/Frankfurt. ISBN 9783954873630

Delgado, Maria M. and Gies, David T. (2012) A History of Theatre in Spain. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9780521117692

[thumbnail of REF 2021 Practice Research Submission]
Elswit, Kate (2020) Digital Methods for Dance Historical Inquiry (REF 2021 Practice Research Submission). The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London. ISBN 978-1-8383967-7-0

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Elswit, Kate (2020) From ‘Future Memory’: A Triangulation of History, Theory and Practice (REF 2021 Practice Research Submission). The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London. ISBN 978-1-8383967-6-3

Grochala, Sarah (2009) S-27. Oberon Books, London. ISBN 9781840029307

Harradine, David (2011) Invisible Things: Documentation from a Devising Process. Fevered Sleep, London. ISBN 9780955908217

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Harradine, David (2020) Men & Girls Dance (REF 2021 Practice Research Submission). The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London. ISBN 978-1-8383967-8-7

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Harradine, David (2020) Sheep Pig Goat (REF 2021 Practice Research Submission). The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London. ISBN 978-1-8383967-8-7

[thumbnail of REF 2021 Practice Research Submission]
Harradine, David (2020) This Grief Thing (REF 2021 Practice Research Submission). The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London. ISBN 978-1-8383968-0-0

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Mackey, Sally (2020) UnfamiliarEyes: Interrogating Performing Place, 2015–2020 (REF 2021 Practice Research Submission). The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London. ISBN 978-1-8383968-1-7

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Ong, Adelina (2020) Negotiated Hopes: Reconfiguring Narratives of Self-worth (REF 2021 Practice Research Submission). The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London. ISBN 978-1-8383968-2-4

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Parker, Joanna (2020) Aida, Opera North 2019 (REF 2021 Practice Research Submission). The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London. ISBN 978-1-8383968-3-1

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Parry-Davies, Ella (2020) Home-Makers (REF 2021 Practice Research Submission). The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London. ISBN 978-1-8383968-4-8

Parslow, Joe (2024) Their Majesty Drag Performance and Queer Communities in London. Routledge Series in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Theatre and Performance . Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780367757601

[thumbnail of REF 2021 Practice Research Submission]
Ploeger, Daniel (2020) Recycled Coil: a cyborg to engage the politics of electronic waste (REF 2021 Practice Research Submission). The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London. ISBN 978-1-8383968-5-5

Radosavljevic, Duska, Rigby, Annie and Simic, Lena (2015) The Mums and Babies Ensemble: A Manual. The Institute of Art and Practice of Dissent at Home, Liverpool. ISBN 9780956416537

[thumbnail of REF 2021 Practice Research Submission]
Rushe, Sinéad (2020) Concert (REF 2021 Practice Research Submission). The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London. ISBN 978-1-8383968-6-2

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Shearing, David (2020) Black Rock: From Climbing to Performance (REF 2021 Practice Research Submission). The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London. ISBN 978-1-8383968-7-9

Book Chapter

Bryon, Experience (2009) Interdisciplinarity and Embodied Knowledge: Towards an Active Aesthetic Using Integrative Performance Practice. In: Tanz im Musiktheater - Tanz als Musiktheater : Bericht Eines Internationalen Symposions über Beziehungen von Tanz und Musik im Theater. Königshausen & Neuman, Würzburg, pp. 135-147. ISBN 9783826040832

Busby, Selina and Heap, Brian (2018) How do Culture and Power Work in and Through Drama Research? In: Drama Research Methods Provocations of Practice. Brill Leiden l, Boston, pp. 135-146. ISBN 9789004389564

Bush-Bailey, Gilli, Davis, Jim, Normington, Katie and Bratton, Jacky (2010) Researching Theatre History and Historiography. In: Research Methods in Theatre and Performance. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh. ISBN 9780748641581

Donger, Simon (2010) Preface 1: Restless Corporealities. In: ORLAN: A Hybrid Body of Artworks. Routledge, London, xiv-xvi. ISBN 9780415562348

Elswit, Kate and Nair, Rani (2018) Letters to Lila and Dramaturg's Notes on Future Memory: Inheriting Dance's Alternative Histories. In: The Oxford Handbook of Dance and Reenactment. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 177-214. ISBN 9780199314201

Ploeger, Daniel (2017) Making and Breaking: Electronic Waste Recycling as Methodology. In: Digital Bodies: Creativity and Technology in the Arts and Humanities. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 49-64. ISBN 9781349952403

Rushe, Sinéad (2020) Feeling Space, Making Space: Michael Chekhov's Approach to Theatre Design. In: Michael Chekhov Technique in the Twenty-First Century New Pathways. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 132-149. ISBN 9781474273213

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Rushe, Sinéad (2019) Polyphonic Characterisation in Bernard-Marie Koltès’s Night Just Before the Forests: An Exploration of Michael Chekhov’s Feeling of Form. In: Technika aktorska Michaila Czechowa w historii, teorii i praktyce. Vademecum, Akademia Teatralna Warszawie, Bialystok, pp. 159-176. ISBN 978-83-88358-09-8 (In Press)

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Shearing, D (2022) Felt Dramaturgies of Light. In: Contemporary Performance Lighting: Experience, Creativity and Meaning. Performance and Design . Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 46-63. ISBN 9781350195158 (In Press)


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Abraham, Nicola (2016) Marginalised Youth in the App Generation: Making the Case for the Integration of Digital Technologies in Process Drama. TVORIVA DRAMATIKA - Casopis O Dramaticke Vychove, Literature a Divadle Pro Deti a Mladez, 27 (3). pp. 5-12. ISSN 1211-8001

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Anderson, Joel (2016) Between Theatre and Photography, Between Photography and Performance, Between Performance and Theatre. Drama Studies, 49. pp. 5-35. ISSN 1738-9267

Buratta, Ben (2020) Dance-Floor Dramaturgy: Unlearning the Shame and Stigma of HIV Through Theatre. Theatre Topics, 30 (02). pp. 57-68. ISSN 1054-8378

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Damian Martin, Diana (2017) Library of Unfinished Texts. Performance Research, 22 (1). pp. 130-133. ISSN 1352-8165

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Delgado, Maria M. (2015) Memory, Silence, and Democracy in Spain: Frederico Garcia Lorca, the Spanish Civil War, and the Law of Historical Memory. Theatre Journal, 67 (2). pp. 177-196. ISSN 0192-2882

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Elswit, Kate (2014) Inheriting Dance’s Alternative Histories. Dance Research Journal, 46 (1). pp. 5-22. ISSN 0149-7677

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Elswit, Kate (2019) A Living Cabinet of Breath Curiosities: Somatics, Bio-media, and the Archive. International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, 15 (3). pp. 340-359. ISSN Print ISSN: 1479-4713 Online ISSN: 2040-0934

Elswit, Kate (2008) Petrified? Some Thoughts on Practical Research and Dance Historiography. Performance Research, 13 (1). pp. 61-69. ISSN 1352-8165

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Elswit, Kate (2016) What is a Question? ASAP, 2 (1). pp. 34-36. ISSN 2381-4721

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Elswit, Kate and Bench, Harmony (2020) Dance History and Digital Humanities Meet at the Archives: An Interim Project Report on Dunham’s Data. Dance Research, 38 (2). pp. 289-295. ISSN 0264-2875

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Elswit, Kate and Bench, Harmony (2019) Dance Touring and Embodied Data: Some Approaches to Katherine Dunham’s Movement on the Move. Current Research in Digital History, 2. ISSN 2637-5923

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Fisher, Tony (2013) Castellucci's Theatre of the ‘Abject/Sublime’: or, The Theatre of Failed Transcendence. Somatechnics, 3 (1). pp. 31-49. ISSN 2044-0138

[thumbnail of Journal Article. OPEN ACCESS: Please click on the Download button or Official URL, left hand side, bottom of the page]
Fisher, Tony (2015) Thinking Without Authority: Performance Philosophy as the Democracy of Thought. Performance Philosophy Journal, 1. pp. 175-184. ISSN 2057-7176

[thumbnail of Journal Article. GOLD ACCESS: Please click on the Official URL, left hand side, bottom of the page]
Mackey, Sally (2016) Applied Theatre and Practice as Research: Polyphonic Conversations. Research in Drama Education, 21 (4). pp. 478-491. ISSN 1356-9783

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Mackey, Sally (2015) Move Over, There's Room Enough: Performance Making Diploma: Training for Learning Disabled Adults. Research in Drama Education, 20 (4). pp. 506-510. ISSN 1356-9783

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Mackey, Sally and Cole, Sarah (2013) Cuckoos in the Nest: Performing Place, Artists and Excess. Applied Theatre Research, 1 (1). pp. 43-61. ISSN 2049-3010

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Oram, Daron (2015) Research and Practice in Voice Studies: Searching for a Methodology. Voice and Speech Review, 9 (1). pp. 15-27. ISSN 2326-8271

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Ploeger, Daniel (2017) Abject Digital Performance: Engaging the Politics of Electronic Waste. Leonardo, 50 (2). pp. 138-142. ISSN 0024-094X

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Radosavljevic, Duska and Rodosthenous, George (2016) Reversing the Process: Investigating Multi-Disciplinary Compositional Practices in The Fall of Icarus [2009]. Theatre Topics, 26 (1). pp. 105-116. ISSN 1054-8378

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Rushe, Sinéad and Kemp, Margaret Laurena (2021) AntigoneNOW: Mourning and Connection Across 4 Time Zones. American Theatre.

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Shearing, David (2019) Black Rock: Routes Through Scenographic Translation, from Mountain Climbing to Performance. Performance Research, 24 (2). pp. 36-44. ISSN 1352-8165

Conference or Workshop Item

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Arias, Lola (2016) Memory is a Minefield: The Art of Re-enactment, the 2016 Edward Gordon Craig lecture by Lola Arias, chaired by Prof. Maria Delgado. In: The 2016 STR Edward Gordon Craig Lecture, 6th June 2016, King's College, University of London.

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Davison, Jon, Watson, Nenagh and Smith, Julian Maynard (2009) Central School of Speech & Drama's AHRC Fellows in the Creative and Performing Arts. In: The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama's AHRC Fellows in the Creative and Performing Arts, 7th October 2009, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. (Unpublished)

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Gale, Maggie (2009) Round Table: Research Organisations for Theatre and Performance. In: Research Organisations for Theatre and Performance, 25 February 2009, The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. (Unpublished)

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Hougham, Richard (2013) A Practice-Based Enquiry into Therapeutic Presence. In: A Practice-Based Enquiry into Therapeutic Presence, 29 May 2013, The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. (Unpublished)

[thumbnail of Presentation Southwark, London]
Mackey, Sally (2013) The Arts Faring Well. In: Southwark Theatres' Education Partnership (STEP) Conference, 1st February 2013, Canada Water Culture Space. (Unpublished)

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Mackey, Sally (2016) Border Stories: From There to Here: How Innovative Research Into Personal Experiences Can Help The EU Address Intra-European Union Mobility and Third Country Migration. In: London Higher Europe Conference, 2nd and 3rd February 2016, Brussels. (Unpublished)

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[thumbnail of Presentation to TAPRA]
Mackey, Sally (2011) Challenging Place 'Live Poster'. In: TaPRA Conference, 7th September 2011, Kingston University. (Unpublished)

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[thumbnail of Notes for presentation in SA]
Mackey, Sally (2012) Challenging Places: Performance and Discomforts. In: Seminar to Staff and Students, 28th February 2012, University of Cape Town, South Africa. (Unpublished)

[thumbnail of Presentation at UWE]
Mackey, Sally (2012) Challenging Places: Performance, Community and Discomforts. In: PLaCE Research Centre, 26th January 2012, University of the West of England. (Unpublished)

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[thumbnail of Leeds Presentation]
Mackey, Sally (2014) Creative Practice for Change: A Micro-Example of People and Places. In: Cultural Engagement, Policy and Practice Research Symposium, 28th November 2014, University of Leeds. (Unpublished)

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Mackey, Sally (2013) Our Town. In: Oldham Theatre, 13th January 2013, Oldham. (Unpublished)

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Mackey, Sally (2016) Performing Places: A Participatory Practice. In: Out-Topias, 1st October 2016, Athens, Greece.

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[thumbnail of Manchester Presentation]
Mackey, Sally (2013) Pour/Ous Place. In: Seminar to Staff and Students, 15th February 2013, University of Manchester. (Unpublished)

[thumbnail of Presentation at Leeds University]
Mackey, Sally (2012) Two Aberystwyths. In: PSI Conference, 27th June 2012, University of Leeds. (Unpublished)

[thumbnail of Performing places Invitation to Unfamiliareyes in Camden.pdf]
[thumbnail of Performing Places Unfamiliareyes Agenda Camden.pdf]
Mackey, Sally (2016) Unfamiliar Eyes: Forget What You Know. In: Unfamiliar Eyes: Forget What You Know, 1st March 2016, The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama.

[thumbnail of Performing places Unfamiliareyes Oldham Agenda FINAL.PDF]
[thumbnail of Performing PlacesUnfamiliareyes Invite Oldham FINAL.PDF]
Mackey, Sally (2016) Unfamiliar Eyes: Forget What You Know. In: Unfamiliar Eyes: Forget What You Know, 7th March 2016, Oldham, OL1 1AL.

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Mackey, Sally, Adams, Samantha and Billson, Vishni V. (2012) What is Place? How Do We Think About Place? In: Half Moon Young People's Theatre, 4th July 2012, London. (Unpublished)

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Mackey, Sally, Ames, Margaret and Pearson, Mike (2012) Capel: The Lights Are On. In: Bronant, 13th-15th June 2012, Caredigion, Wales. (Unpublished)

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Mackey, Sally, Atherton, James and Harris, Craig (2013) Oldham Theatre Workshop Intensive. In: Oldham Theatre, 13th August 2013, Oldham. (Unpublished)

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Mackey, Sally and Murphy, A. (2014) Performing Places Symposium. In: Performing Places Symposium, 9th October 2014, The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. (Unpublished)

[thumbnail of 01 FILM EXCERPT] [thumbnail of 02 ZDENKA INTERVIEW 1]
Stuart Fisher, Amanda (2012) Zdenka's Journey. In: Zdenka's Journey, 8th October 2011 & 26th January 2012, University of York & The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. (Unpublished)


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Mackey, Sally (2004) Performing Place: The Caer Llan Trilogy. [Show/Exhibition]

[thumbnail of The People's Kitchen]
Shearing, David (2023) The People's Kitchen. [Show/Exhibition]


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Elswit, Kate and Bench, Harmony (2018) Dunham's Data Website and Research Blog. UNSPECIFIED.

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Harradine, David (2015) It's The Skin You're Living In. Fevered Sleep.

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Mackey, Sally (2014) Performing Places. The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London. (Unpublished)

Skourtis, Andreas and Andrianos, Panos (2014) Performing Architectures. Self-Published.

[thumbnail of Independent evaluation report of the practice research project This Grief Thing]
Wakeling, Kate (2021) This Grief Thing: Evaluation Report. Fevered Sleep, London, UK.


Harradine, David (2013) Above Me the Wide Blue Sky. [Performance]

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Harradine, David (2010) On Ageing. [Performance]

[thumbnail of Stilled 1.mp4]
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Harradine, David (2012) Stilled. [Performance]

[thumbnail of Salt Piece]
Munro, Jane (2009) Salt Piece. [Performance]

[thumbnail of The Rising Sun]
Shearing, David (2022) The Rising Sun. [Performance]

Teaching Resource

White, Gareth and Munro, Jane (2012) Pretty War. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)


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[thumbnail of Akira California]
Chow, Broderick D.V. (2010) How To Do Things With Jokes: Relocating the Political Dimension of Performance Comedy. Doctoral thesis, The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London.

Danylyuk, Olha (2015) 'Virtually True': Intermedial Strategies in the Staging of War Conflict. Doctoral thesis, The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama.

Mercier, Jospeh (2014) Fucking with Ballet: Performing Queer Negativity. Doctoral thesis, The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama.

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[thumbnail of Sissy! (2010)]
Messias, Luiz Fernando Fernandes (2011) Towards a New Sissiography: The Sissy in Body, Abuse and Space in Performance Practice. Doctoral thesis, The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London.

Pinchin, William (2018) Myth in Contemporary Mask Praxis: A Jungian Approach to Mask Making and Performance Within Lecoq-based Actor Created Theatre. Doctoral thesis, The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama.

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Postigo Gomez, Alejandro (2019) The Copla Musical: An Intercultural Exploration of Spanish Musical Form. Doctoral thesis, The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama.

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Scott, Joanne Emma (2014) Live Intermediality: A New Mode of Intermedial Praxis. Doctoral thesis, The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London.

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Woynarski, Lisa Christine (2015) Towards an Ecological Performance Aesthetic for the Bio-Urban: A Non-Anthropocentric Theory. Doctoral thesis, The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama.

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